It’s Triggy, to rock a rhyme.

So, this is a blog I guess. Am I right in thinking that this is a blog? Cool. All right.

I’m Triggy J, apparently. You might recognise me from such places as DeviantArt and my Webcomic, Ashes, which is written by my accomplice Charlifarli (Who you can totally find on here, by the way-  -Champion blogger.) and drawn by yours truly.

^ Those there being the addresses ye’ll want to be looking at.  But here, I intend to write whatever imbecilic drivel I feel like rambling and ranting about. Drawings might pop up now and then, who knows, but really the places to find my art are on the above links. No, no, this is the place for writings! For reviews! For opinions!

In other news, I’m intensely British, I study Computer Science at university although I probably enjoy arting more. Before I decided to take Computer Science, I was going to take English, but creative writing and writing analysis are far more fun when they’re not being forced on you by someone else. And especially when your future career isn’t riding on them. I play numerous video games and sometimes I play them with other people (For example, once again, Charlifarli) and we RECORD ourselves playing them. Video Games. A new spectator sport. People will be cheering in front of the television as I die like a scrub in Ocarina of Time. Check out “One Great Team” on youtube for video game jiggery-pokery of all flavours and varieties.

I like to think about things deeply and logically and the more facts, ideas and opinions I have to consider on topics, the happier I am. So basically, I love to rant. I’m also a Christian (And yes, I think deeply and logically about that too, we’ll probably get to that at some point).

Oh, one more thing. The blog title. One lecturer of mine once said to me, “Although Computer Science appears to be logical, a lot of it is really just black magic and guesswork.” I reckon a lot of things are like that, if you think about it. You can logic them as far as possible, but at some point you’re going to hit a “Well, it depends” or a “Maybe” or a “Sometimes”.

Well, that’s what I think, anyway. Tally-ho!

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